Friday, December 30, 2011

Healthy 4 Life

Learn what it takes to be HEALTHY 4 LIFE....!
We are excited about our 2012 Workshops!  Our classes are designed for our new patients, our existing patients, the entire family, and the community. All of our workshop classes are FREE.  We hope you will put each date on your calendar and join us!

Schedule for Healthy 4 Life! Classes
January 10 2012 - Tuesday - 6pm
January 19, 2012 - Thursday - 11am
February 7, 2012 - Tuesday - 6pm
February 16, 2012 - Thursday -11am
March 6, 2012 - Tuesday - 6pm
March 15, 2012 - Thursday -11am
April 10, 2012 -Tuesday - 6pm
April 19, 2012 - Thursday -11am

Schedule - Learn What It Takes To Be Healthy 4 Life!
January 24 - Tuesday - 6pm ... Eat Healthy 4 Life!
February 21 - Tuesday - 6pm ... Stay Active 4 Life!
March 20 - Tuesday - 6pm ... Be Happy 4 Life!
April 24 - Tuesday - 6pm ... Plan 4 Life! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is the reason for the season?

Christmas is only days away and everybody in the community seems to be hurrying along to get those last minute gifts for their family and loved ones!  Go into any store and you will see a line of people at the register waiting to check out with a basket full of goodies.  The stress we are under is at a pinnacle for the year as we buy, wrap and worry about more "stuff"...STOP for a moment take a deep breathe and relax!

What is CHRISTMAS all about?  Is it about who gets the largest or most expensive gift under the tree?  Is it about how many lights are on the tree and around the house?  Is it about "stuff" at all?  It seems like christmas has become more about things than about feelings!  What has happened to christmas?? 

I had lunch with a friend today and he said it best..."My parents already know I love them, my wife already knows I love her, my friends know how I feel, why do I need stuff to show them how much I love them?  Why do I have to just give a gift at Christmas, what a great surprise to get a gift in the middle of the year just because you were thinking of them?"

Let's focus on what Christmas is all about, the feeling of love and joy for one another...Love does not cost a thing and it means so much more than a crappy old gift that gets left in a closet 364 days a year!  I think the reason for the season is to let everyone know they are loved, to spread cheer to those less fortunate and surprise somebody with a random act of kindness...after all people only expect gifts this time of the year.  Why not show them how much you love them through actions rather then price may be surprised the outcome.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2012!  Let's make next year the healthiest year yet!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Do you need a makeover?

I regularly have an hour commute to and from work, so this gives me time to catch up on new books on tape. I was listening to Dave Ramsey and The Complete Money Makeover to start off fresh in 2012.  I will tell you one thing is true, 5 minutes in to the book and I am loving it! 

The reason I love it is he wants ME to take accountability and responsibility for where I am today...don't play the blame game.   He talks about being fit or unfit...financially of course. I realized one very imprtant thing, if I am going to change my life I need to start by changing my views on who is responsible for where I am today and that is ME, not my spouse or my parents or friends...ME!

This apporach reminds me of my health.  Recently I looked in the mirror and no longer liked what I saw.  Don't get me wrong, I am healthy and have a clean bill of health, but I saw room for improvement. I did not blame my parents for inheriting their genes, or my spouse...I realize that I am responsible for my cuurent level of fitness and health, just like what Dave Ramsey is talking about in regards to financial fitness.  In just a few short months of changing my daily habits / lifestyle and routines and going through some uncomfortable times I am seing GREAT results!  I have lost over 20 pounds in the last year and have more energy and I feel so much better than I have in years!  And my wife has really noticed the results as well...I have received more compliments on my appearance than ever before in life!

If I can can do it, so can you.  The first step is acknowledging who is responsible for your health....YOU!  You decide what to eat, if you should exercise, or should you go to the chiropractor or not.  Eery decision you make has a consequence, good or bad.  An apple, or a twinkie, work out or watch television...everything has a consequence.  The more good decisions I starting making the better my health got. I am sure the better decisions I choose to make financially the better of my wealth will be.  After all what is more important than your health?  Without it we have nothing except a pile of money and stuff and no way to enjoy it.

In 2012 I am going to make better decisions everyday, one day at a time.  I am going to continue to make great decisions about health and wellness but I will also have a better understanding about making the right decesions about building wealth.  How great would it to have abundant health and abundant wealth?  Life will be truly great!

Isn't it time you had a makeover?

Enter Our Recipe Contest....

Enter our " Healthy Recipe Contest". Top three entries will be featured in our digital cookbook. Submit your recipes from December 1 - 15.  Top three healthiest recipes will be selected on the 16th and the winners will be asked to bring the cooked dish to the office on the 19th for final judging.  Winner receives a gift! 

Our December Calendar


The Advanced Chiropractic family December holiday tradition is to adopt a local family.  This year we have chosen a family who recently lost everything in a home fire.   We will be collecting items from December 1st until December 15th. If you would like to help this family, please bring your item to the office.  For more information, please call the office.  THANKS
  • Boy:  8 years old - an amazing child and lost everything he owned 2 weeks before his birthday. He wears a 7/8 shirt, 8 slim pants, and 3 1/2 shoe. He's a typical boy, so as far as toys and books go - anything cars, sports, action figures, video games, etc...  He hand wrote a Christmas wish list that includes:  toy swords, nerf dart tag set, transformers, hot wheel cars, captain america shield, remote controlled helicopter, GA t-shirt, BB gun, lindor milk chocolate truffles, and said "pie is awesome" "I love pie".
  • Girl one :  11 years old - wears a 12/14 shirt, 14 slim pants, and size 4 shoe.  Her hand written list includes: game cube, play dough, silly putty (lots), transformers, unicorn pillow pet, remote controlled car, reese peanut butter cups, yo-yo and says "I love pie".
  • Girl two: 12 years old - wears a junior meduim, juniors 3-5 short pant, and a size 8 shoe.  Her hand written list includes:  play dough, sily putty, yo-yo, spongebob t-shirt, stuffed cookie monster, things from Charming Charlies and Bath & Body works and would love to have a phone.
  •  Father:  wears 34/30 pants, mens xl shirt, and a size 12 shoe 
  •  Mother: wears 14/15 pants, xl shirt, and a size 7-7 1/2.
  •  Living room furniture (couches)
  •  Beds - all of our mattresses/box springs (we have queen  size bed frames), and Christian will need a whole new bed,  frame.
  •  Bookshelves (Kids bookshelf & living room bookshelf.
  •  Dressers for the boys.
  •  Dining room furniture (pantry, table & chairs)