30 Day Paleo Challenge Team

Note:  Comment and question section is at the bottom of this page - 
Here are the work outs for your initial assessment. These are all based on your individual ability. Perform these to the best you can. Any of the movements can be split up to complete and do not need to be performed in one continuous set.

Workout #1
Time to complete 1 mile____mins ____sec
Workout #2 
Complete 1 mile ___mins___sec/25 push ups & squats ___mins ____sec

Workout #3
Complete 1 mile ___mins___sec/25 pull ups, push ups, sit ups & squats ___mins ___sec

Hello "TEAM PALEO"....!  Welcome....we are excited that you took the challenge today (August 18th).  Get ready for a change in YOU!  Remember this is about you against you....  

We will be making posts here on the Blog and Facebook pages.  We welcome your participation.  We have 40 team-mates and Dr. Jason and staff for the next 30 days to help us along the way.  

There is a comment section at the bottom of this page....comment away!

One person will win $250.00 ... is that person you?
Join us on August 18th and we will give you the information on what to eat, how to exercise, and how to stay motivated...

Why Paleo?  Do you want to:
  • Lose Weight
  • Gain Muscle
  • Have Better Digestion
  • Have Beautiful Skin
  • Have Less Pain
  • Have More Energy
  • Feel Younger
Would you like to go through life with a clearer head - reverse diabetes - lower your blood pressure - lower your blood glucose and maybe even get off prescription medications? 

We will see you Saturday - August 18th at 2pm in the meeting room at Atlanta Fitness in Ashley Park (next to Belk).  

There is a registration fee of $29.00.  You will receive a 150 page Quickstart Guide & Paleo Challenge booklet that includes menu plans, shopping list, recipes, and more.


  1. Leave your questions, comments, and suggestions here...come on team - let's hear some chatter!

  2. Congratulations Team Paleo! I was so excited to meet all of you today. Feel free to comment if you have any questions or just need some support. Good Luck Team!

    Kassie Wagner
    Case Manager

  3. Day one down 29 more to go! The initial test results will be avaiable early this week. Please submit your age if we have sent you an email request. Good Luck this week.

    A lot of you have questions about protein shakes and smoothies at the gym. Remember some of the basic rules for the challenge. First we are reducing and eliminating processed foods and added sugars. Most protein in the gyms is highly processed and also contains whey(milk). Ask the right questions when ordering anything over the next 30 days. I typically use a beef or egg based protein for my post recovery (shake). You have a 30min.- 1hr window to eat after the gym...enough time to just eat some "real" food.

    Dr. Jason
    Team Paleo

  4. Anyone interested in going in together on a whole/half cow? Grassfed of course.

  5. Alright Team Paleo, we are getting some great feedback from some of you...some of you have already lost 4-5 pounds! Others are reporting more energy, less joint pain...etc.

    What have you experienced? Let us know so we can help you celebrate every victory!
