Monday, April 23, 2012

Healthy Life Cookbook....

It's strawberry season! From our Healthy Life Cookbook:

Berry Freeze
(4 servings)
1 lb. frozen strawberries, slightly thawed (or 1 pt fresh berries, frozen slightly)
¾ cup part skim ricotta
3 tbsp. all fruit strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries for garnish (optional)
Blend slightly frozen berries in food processor. Slowly add ricotta and then jam, blending all the while. Serve immediately, garnished with a fresh strawberry, if desired.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ready To Detoxify Toxin Stress?

...Detoxify Your Body of Toxin Stress...

  1.   Do you often feel tired or have a lack of energy?
  2.   Do you have sore muscles for no apparent reason?
  3.   Do you have difficulty concentrating?
  4.   Are you easily irritated or feel moody?
  5.   Do you have trouble sleeping?
  6.   Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed?
  7.   Do you feel bloated or gain weight easily?
  8.   Do you have digestive or intestinal discomfort?
  9.   Do you have occasional mild headaches?
 10.  Do you feel you are not as healthy as other
        people your age
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then a simple program could help you feel better and have more energy ad improve your health in just 10 days!  For more information about detoxifying click here or ask Dr. Jason.

April Workshops

APRIL 10 - HEALTHY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control of your health.  You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being.  You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!
APRIL 19 - HEALTHY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 11 am at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control ofyour health.  You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being.  You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

APRIL 21 - EAT MORE TO LOSE MORE! Join us at 1:30 pm at Atlanta Fitness Center in Ashley Park - Newnan. 
Eat More
 APRIL 24 -  PLAN FOR LIFE!  Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class will help you design your health plan to reach your goals for what you want most in life.  Your plan will ensure you live a life of abundance and BE HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

Massage Therapy Will Help Reduce Stress

New Patients: 
Make an appointment with Brandy, our MassageTherapist (LIC#MT002622) during the month of April for $30.00.
 Existing Patients:  Did you know we have a RUB CLUBJoin and receive an hour massage for $45.00 (regular $60.00).   This is a six month committment - receiving one massage a month.  For your convenience, we will automatically set up your debit/credit card.

April is Stress Awareness Month


ALMONDS This little snack packs a healthy punch with B2 (riboflavin), vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. The actual hormone, serotonin, which balance mood and stress, is in almonds. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which can enhance an individual's immune system, while zinc has been shown to fight negative effects of stress. However, this snack should only be consumed in small portions, because it is high in fat.
FISH   Along with being a main source of Omega 3, Fish, is also filled with vitamin B-12. This vitamin has the most important involvement in producing serotonin. Serotonin aids in the balance of an individual's emotional level.
BROCCOLI  This vegetable is stocked full of B vitamins. Broccoli also contains folic acid; aids in stress relief, anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional disorders.
WHOLE GRAIN RICE OR PASTA  Whole grain is not a hidden secret any more. Restaurants noticed the popular rise of whole-grain, by adding them as feature items to their menus; delis now feature whole grains, and even pizzerias offer whole-grain pizza pies. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, which gives the brain the sensation of fullness; in other words, happy.

SUSHI  Aside from the previous benefits described in the fish region, sushi holds several other stress reliving properties. The seaweed maki has been known to have anti-anxiety properties. The seaweed itself, is comprised of magnesium, vitamin B2, and pantothenic acid. This acid contributes to the health of adrenal glands, which perform a vital part in stress management.
CANTELOPE  Vitamin C, which is found in Cantaloupe, is crucial component of fighting stress in the human body. Take slices of cantaloupe and add it to a small bowl of cottage cheese for a healthy snack.

BLUEBERRIES For such a small piece of food, blueberries are compounded with antioxidants and vitamin C, which aid in the balance of stress.