Friday, September 7, 2012

Paleo 30 Day Challenge

We had 60 people take the 30 day challenge! 
Who will win the person will receive $250.00!

~we've had some amazing stories and successes this month~ 


NOTE:  For the Paleo Challenge team - the paleo challenge assessments are September 17 & 18.  Please call the office to schedule your appointment.

Chiropractic Founders Day....

The first recorded chiropractic adjustment was performed on September 18, 1895, by Dr. Daniel David Palmer, a Canadian-born teacher and helter. Dr. Palmer was, at the time, studying the cause and effect of disease. His patient was Harvey Lillard, a janitor working in the same building as Dr. Palmer in Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Lillard, who had complained of hearing problems for over 17 years, allowed Dr. Palmer to examine his spine. Dr. Palmer discovered a "lump" on Mr. Lillard's back and suspected that a vertebra might be out of place, which he then repositioned the vertebra with a gentle thrust. After several such treatments, much of Mr. Lillard's hearing was restored.

Since Dr. Palmer's first chiropractic adjustment, the art and science of chiropractic has progressed significantly. Today, advanced diagnostic procedures, sophisticated equipment, scientific research, and the growing acceptance among other health care professionals makes chiropractic a popular health care choice

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dr. Jason and Dr. Marie Speak at Carnegie

Dr. Jason Bailey and Dr. Marie Meyer, Advanced Chiropractic, provides a free program at The Carnegie Library on how to keep your spine healthy for living life.

Photo: Dr. Jason Bailey and Dr. Marie Meyer, Advanced Chiropractic, provides a free program at The Carnegie on how to keep your spine healthy for living life.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Take The Challenge....

The Challenge Information...

One person will win $250.00 ... is that person you?
Join us on August 18th and we will give you the information on what to eat, how to exercise, and how to stay motivated...

Why Paleo?  Do you want to:
  • Lose Weight
  • Gain Muscle
  • Have Better Digestion
  • Have Beautiful Skin
  • Have Less Pain
  • Have More Energy
  • Feel Younger
Would you like to go through life with a clearer head - reverse diabetes - lower your blood pressure - lower your blood glucose and maybe even get off prescription medications? 

We will see you Saturday - August 18th at 2pm in the meeting room at Atlanta Fitness in Ashley Park (next to Belk).  

There is a registration fee of $29.00.  You will receive a 150 page Quickstart Guide & Paleo Challenge booklet that includes menu plans, shopping list, recipes, and more.

Great Fun At JULY LUAU...


 Great fun and great prizes during the LUAU in July...! We had a great turn-out for Patient Appreciation Day and Community Open House.  A donation was made to our local Community Welcome House in the amount of $100.00.  We would like to say "thank you" to everyone who came to our event....

Dr. Jason and Linda 
 We have a photo album of the day on Facebook!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Are You Ready...?


...take the 30 Day Challenge...


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Luau Party - Patient Appreciation Day - Community Open House on July 23, 2012

Luau Party at Advanced Chiropractic, Newnan GA

July Newsletter

Be sure to take a look at our JULY NEWSLETTER

July 2012 Workshops

When:   July 10th - 6pm
This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control of your health. You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being. You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

When:   July 19th - 11am
This class is the foundation for understanding how
to take control of your health. You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being. You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

When:   July 21st - 1:30pm
Want to maximize your workout in 20 minutes or less?  This class will teach you how to get fit on your lunch hour.  Dress ready to work out.
When:   July 24th -6pm
This class will help you use your thoughts and focus to get healthy.  Your thoughts determine your actions, and your actions determine your health.  You glass will be overflowing with ways to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE

Monday, June 18, 2012

Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.This class will help you learn the activities and movements necessary to stay active and healthy for a lifetime.  You will learn how to add motion and movement to your daily lifestyle to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE. 

Join us at 1:30pm at Atlanta Fitness Sports Center in Ashley Park - Newnan for this informative workshop.  If you are new to chiropractic care, a special  "new patient" offer will be made available to you for attending this workshop. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We Are Giving Away Tickets....

JUNE Braves Ticket(s) Giveaway

1st  Prize  - Two Braves Tickets + Parking Pass
2nd Prize  - Braves Fan Gift Basket
3rd  Prize  - Braves Hat

Official Rules:
Anyone who participates during the month of June in the contest will be entered to win.  There are no maximum times you may be entered into the drawing.

Here are the ways you may be entered to win:
            -Refer a friend or family member (5 Tickets)
            -Attend a wellness workshop (3 Tickets)
            -Bring a guest to a wellness workshop ( 5 Tickets total)
            -Answer the trivia question of the week (1 Ticket)

Join us on June 28th for our drawing and braves celebration, we will have refreshments, if you wear braves apparel that day you will receive a special gift.

Continuing Education To Care For You Better...

This month Dr. Jason traveled to Kansas City to meet with the top wellness doctors in the chiropractic profession to work on his CCWP (certified chiropractic wellness practitioner).  This is a post graduate training through the ICA (International Chiropractors Association).  While in Kansas he learned all the latest research on nutrition, increasing his certainty in his recommendations to his patients on "what to eat".  Dr. Jason also learned why certain "diets" are designed to not only fail, but leave you sicker then when you started! 

Dr. Jason is constantly enriching his mind and learning better ways to care for you, his patient.  One of his favorite sayings is, "the only thing I am attached to is getting results!"  Ask Dr. Jason how he can help you get results...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Meet Our Staff...

Meet our Dr.'s and Staff

Front Row (left to right):  Stacey Brewer, Kassie Wagner, Brandy Olsen
Back Row (left to right):  Dr. Marie, Dr. Jason, Lauren Bennett


Friday, May 18, 2012

Therapeautic Massage Special in May

Breakfast of Champions

Good Health, Nutrition, and Chiropractic Care
For a lucky few, good health just happens. A fortunate combination of genetics and circumstances allows a small number of persons to enjoy high levels of health without having to expend any effort. But for most of us, good health depends on the things we do to maintain this precious resource.
Getting enough rest, doing regular vigorous exercise, and eating high-quality, nutritious food are the cornerstones of good health. Regular chiropractic care is an important part of the mix. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the body's nerve system healthy. This master system helps keep all the other systems functioning at peak levels, and the result is overall health and well-being. In this way, regular chiropractic care helps support all the other action steps we're taking to ensure top levels of health.

We all know we should eat a "good breakfast". Most of us can still hear the voice of our third grade teacher ringing in our ears - "Did everyone eat a good breakfast today?" - the kindly, inquiring tone usually accompanied by a penetrating stare. But as unlikely as it was then that most kids ate a good breakfast, it is even more unlikely now.1 For those of us who are adults, breakfast is frequently a mere cup of coffee. Or possibly a glass of orange juice and a bagel or a muffin. Maybe a "breakfast sandwich" at a fast-food chain. Regardless, not many of our choices can be construed as nutrition that will support us in being the champions that we want to be.

Everyone knows why a good breakfast is important. First, your gas tank is near empty. If you don't refuel, you'll be running on fumes. Every cell in your body requires high-quality nutrition. Most especially, your brain cells and your muscle cells require plenty of glucose. If you don't have enough energy in your fuel tank, your body feels sluggish and your brain feels as if it's trying to swim upstream against a strong current. Worse, you don't have enough cellular energy to sweep away the metabolic end-products that build up from normal functioning. You can't do maintenance and toxins accumulate. Now you need even more energy to deal with the toxic build-up and a vicious circle develops. You feel run-down, you develop muscle tension and a headache, and your whole day starts to deteriorate. This scenario is typical for many people and it continues day after day. Projecting into the future, the long-term results include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and overweight/obesity.2 What can be done?

For those of us who recognize a problem and are willing to take action on our own behalf, the first step is to be willing to actually eat a nutritious breakfast. We want food that will help us be healthy, rather than "food" that instead adds to our health-related problems. If we choose to take such action, we can follow several easy guidelines. An energy-filled breakfast could consist of whole-grain cereals, fruit, cheese, eggs, nuts, and even meat.3 Not all of this, certainly, but enough to make a breakfast consisting of 300 or 400 calories. The prospect seems daunting, particularly when breakfast has been an afterthought for many years. But the process actually becomes easy once you get used to having this meal.

For example, two slices of whole-grain toast plus a tablespoon of peanut butter and a tablespoon of organic jam makes a great breakfast. You've got approximately 300 calories and you're combining protein with complex carbohydrates. Or two scrambled eggs and a side of 1/2 cup of steel-cut oatmeal (that you've prepared overnight) with a tablespoon of honey mixed in. This meal, too, provides approximately 300 calories and an energy-producing combination of protein and complex carbohydrates. You get the idea - a creative, attractive small meal that is composed of complex carbohydrates and protein. You've now consumed an energy source that will be "slow-burning" and provide high-quality fuel for the next three to four hours. You're ready to have a great morning of productive activity.

Being healthy takes work. It doesn't happen by chance. Having a good breakfast, a "breakfast of champions", is a key component of this overall, life-affirming process.

1Deshmukh-Taskar PR, et al: The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: the National Health and Nutrition. J Am Diet Assoc 110(6):869-878, 2010
2Pereira MA, et al: Breakfast frequency and quality may affect glycemia and appetite in adults and children. J Nutr 141(1):163-168, 2011
3Ratliff J, et al: Consuming eggs for breakfast influences plasma glucose and ghrelin, while reducing energy intake during the next 24 hours in adult men. Nutr Res 30(2):96-103, 2010

Monday, April 23, 2012

Healthy Life Cookbook....

It's strawberry season! From our Healthy Life Cookbook:

Berry Freeze
(4 servings)
1 lb. frozen strawberries, slightly thawed (or 1 pt fresh berries, frozen slightly)
¾ cup part skim ricotta
3 tbsp. all fruit strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries for garnish (optional)
Blend slightly frozen berries in food processor. Slowly add ricotta and then jam, blending all the while. Serve immediately, garnished with a fresh strawberry, if desired.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ready To Detoxify Toxin Stress?

...Detoxify Your Body of Toxin Stress...

  1.   Do you often feel tired or have a lack of energy?
  2.   Do you have sore muscles for no apparent reason?
  3.   Do you have difficulty concentrating?
  4.   Are you easily irritated or feel moody?
  5.   Do you have trouble sleeping?
  6.   Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed?
  7.   Do you feel bloated or gain weight easily?
  8.   Do you have digestive or intestinal discomfort?
  9.   Do you have occasional mild headaches?
 10.  Do you feel you are not as healthy as other
        people your age
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then a simple program could help you feel better and have more energy ad improve your health in just 10 days!  For more information about detoxifying click here or ask Dr. Jason.

April Workshops

APRIL 10 - HEALTHY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control of your health.  You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being.  You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!
APRIL 19 - HEALTHY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 11 am at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control ofyour health.  You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being.  You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

APRIL 21 - EAT MORE TO LOSE MORE! Join us at 1:30 pm at Atlanta Fitness Center in Ashley Park - Newnan. 
Eat More
 APRIL 24 -  PLAN FOR LIFE!  Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class will help you design your health plan to reach your goals for what you want most in life.  Your plan will ensure you live a life of abundance and BE HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

Massage Therapy Will Help Reduce Stress

New Patients: 
Make an appointment with Brandy, our MassageTherapist (LIC#MT002622) during the month of April for $30.00.
 Existing Patients:  Did you know we have a RUB CLUBJoin and receive an hour massage for $45.00 (regular $60.00).   This is a six month committment - receiving one massage a month.  For your convenience, we will automatically set up your debit/credit card.

April is Stress Awareness Month


ALMONDS This little snack packs a healthy punch with B2 (riboflavin), vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. The actual hormone, serotonin, which balance mood and stress, is in almonds. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which can enhance an individual's immune system, while zinc has been shown to fight negative effects of stress. However, this snack should only be consumed in small portions, because it is high in fat.
FISH   Along with being a main source of Omega 3, Fish, is also filled with vitamin B-12. This vitamin has the most important involvement in producing serotonin. Serotonin aids in the balance of an individual's emotional level.
BROCCOLI  This vegetable is stocked full of B vitamins. Broccoli also contains folic acid; aids in stress relief, anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional disorders.
WHOLE GRAIN RICE OR PASTA  Whole grain is not a hidden secret any more. Restaurants noticed the popular rise of whole-grain, by adding them as feature items to their menus; delis now feature whole grains, and even pizzerias offer whole-grain pizza pies. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, which gives the brain the sensation of fullness; in other words, happy.

SUSHI  Aside from the previous benefits described in the fish region, sushi holds several other stress reliving properties. The seaweed maki has been known to have anti-anxiety properties. The seaweed itself, is comprised of magnesium, vitamin B2, and pantothenic acid. This acid contributes to the health of adrenal glands, which perform a vital part in stress management.
CANTELOPE  Vitamin C, which is found in Cantaloupe, is crucial component of fighting stress in the human body. Take slices of cantaloupe and add it to a small bowl of cottage cheese for a healthy snack.

BLUEBERRIES For such a small piece of food, blueberries are compounded with antioxidants and vitamin C, which aid in the balance of stress.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March News

Click here for our:  MARCH IS GREEN Newsletter

Two More Workshops Scheduled For March...

Please join us for these FREE Workshops...

MARCH 15 - HEALTHY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 11 am at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control ofyour health.  You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being.  You will leave motivated and inspired to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE!

MARCH 20 -  BE HAPPY FOR LIFE!  Join us at 6pm at Advanced Chiropractic.  This class will help you use your thoughts and focus to get healthy.  Your thoughts determine your actions, and your actions determine your health.  You glass will be overflowing with ways to be HEALTHY FOR LIFE


How do you determine whether your life is going well? Whether you're happy and fulfilled vs. merely going through the paces? Whether you're growing and developing as a person vs. merely expressing more of the same old, same old? In short, when the alarm goes off in the morning does the prospect of a new day cause you to be filled with excited anticipation and a sense of being actively engaged? Or do you wish you could bury yourself beneath the blankets and put off your daily routine for as long as possible?
Click here to: Read entire story

March Workshop

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Advanced Chiropractic Donates School Supplies...

Published Sunday, February 19, 2012 in Local

Business Briefs: Chiropractor donates school supplies

Chiropractor Dr. Jason Bailey from Advance Chiropractic Center donated more than $250 for school supplies for students at Smokey Road Middle School.
Bailey and Advanced Chiropractic donated a portion of the proceeds from each new patient during the "back to school" program.

Healthy Life Cookbook Recipes

From our Healthy Life Cookbook.....ask about our cookbook next time you are in the office!

6 large carrots
2 tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp. celtic sea salt
Cut each carrot into 2 inch long sections, and then cut each section into thin sticks. In a large bowl toss carrot sticks with olive oil and salt. Spread out on parchment paper baking sheet and bake at 425 ºF for 18-22 minutes until browned.

Healthy 4 Life FREE Community Health Classes

Friday, February 3, 2012

Benefits of Omega 3's

     1. Activates fat-burning enzymes-helps speed up weight 
  2. Improves verbal, memory, and spelling skills in children
  3. Improves brain function, coordination, concentration, and
 short-term memory
  4. Helps prevent strokes
  5. Natural anti-depressant
  6. Protects skin from harmful UV rays
  7. Beneficial treatment for ADD
  8. Prevents macular (eye) degeneration
  9. Diabetics-helps your muscle cells take up insulin
10. Eases burning sensation associated with chemotherapy
11. Reduces inflammation

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January Classes...

January 10th:    6 pm 
January 19th:  11 am
Healthy 4 Life! - This class is the foundation for understanding how to take control of your health. You will learn the best choices to improve your health and well being. You will leave motivated and inspired to be Healthy 4 Life!

January 24th: 6 pm

 Eat Right 4 Life! - This class will help you add the right foods to your daily lifestyle to lose weight, reduce your risk of disease and stay healthy. You will learn what food choices are necessary to be Healthy 4 Life